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International Exchange Meeting for Young Researchers

  • This exchange meeting will be held the day before NEURO2022 to facilitate interaction and discussion among young researchers from abroad and Japan alongside Travel Award Recipients.
  • Poster presentations at this exchange meeting may include research details which will be presented during NEURO2022 as well as posters that will be used during NEURO2022.
  • Participants will interact with each other through discussion about research topics and free conversation.
  • Free drinks and a light meal to go will be provided.
Venue Exhibition Hall, Okinawa Convention Center
Date and time June 29, 2022 17:00-19:00 (Poster installation:16:00-17:00)
Eligibility Graduate students, post-docs with a doctoral degree or equivalent, young PIs, and young assistant professors (< less than 5 years) who have submitted abstracts to NEURO2022. Young Japanese researchers studying abroad who are temporarily in Japan are also eligible.Participants to discussion only are also welcome.
Fee Free
Pre-registration Pre-registration required (capacity set to first 80 applicants) *closed