株式会社XNef 株式会社ARAYA 株式会社フィジオテック ソーラボジャパン株式会社 株式会社ソニーAI カールツァイス株式会社 ニコンソリューションズ 浜松ホトニクス マクニカ 協和キリン株式会社 NARISHIGE lundbeckfonden 小原医科産業株式会社 モレキュラーデバイスジャパン


Online Abstract View/Search Systems

NEURO2022 provides an abstract search system, called "NEURO2022 Meeting Planner" to search and view programs.

"NEURO2022 Meeting Planner" is to search through all of the presentations by presenter, institution, presentation time, venue, and abstract over the Internet and create your own personal schedule.

Automatic emails with ID and password for the NEURO2022 Meeting Planner are set to be sent after you have completed registration and the payment.
If you have not received the ID and Password by any chance, please contact the NEURO2022 Secretariat  <neuro2022@okicongre.jp